How eye-tracking technology in neuromarketing is helping boost sales


  • Neuro-marketing leverages eye-tracking technology to understand consumer behavior, enhancing marketing strategies and product design.
  • Eye tracking in neuro-marketing helps businesses gain insights into consumer decision-making, allowing for more effective marketing campaigns.
  • Eye-tracking experiments, both controlled and uncontrolled, provide valuable data on consumer behavior, including gaze patterns and emotional responses, aiding in product placement and branding decisions.

A spectrum of businesses today are using neuromarketing by tracking consumer eye movements to understand how customers interact with their products. This information is then used to improve sales by adjusting marketing techniques and product design.

Eye-tracking technology is increasingly being used in neuromarketing research to understand how consumers interact with products and make purchase decisions. This type of research uses special cameras and software to track the movement of people’s eyes as they view advertisements, products, packaging, or websites.

The data collected from eye-tracking studies can be used to understand what consumers are looking at and for how long. This information can then be used to improve marketing strategies and boost sales.

If you’re interested in learning more about how neuromarketing using eye-tracking technology is helping businesses boost sales, read on.

Neuromarketing is a powerful tool enabling businesses to boost sales, and better understand consumers. Backed by eye-tracking technology, such consumer behavioral study becomes even stronger.

Let us try to understand the influence of eye-tracking in neuromarketing step by step. Before that let’s understand:

What is neuromarketing?

Neuromarketing is a new field of marketing that uses neuroscience to better understand consumer behavior. Neuromarketing research can provide insights into how consumers make decisions, what motivates them, and what influences their emotions and perceptions.

Why is neuromarketing important?

Neuromarketing can help marketers improve the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns by providing a deeper understanding of the consumer. Neuromarketing research can also help marketers identify new opportunities for product development and innovation.

How can neuromarketing be used?

There are several ways that marketers can use neuromarketing to improve their marketing efforts, including:

  • Using brain imaging to understand how consumers react to advertising and marketing messages
  • Using eye tracking to understand what consumers are looking at, when they are exposed to marketing materials. We will explore this in detail.
  • Using EEG (electroencephalogram) to understand what consumers are feeling when they are exposed to marketing materials
  • Using biometrics to understand the physiological reactions of consumers to marketing materials

What are the benefits of neuromarketing?

Some of its benefits include:

  • Improved understanding of consumer behavior
  • Improved marketing effectiveness
  • Identification of new opportunities for product development and innovation

What is eye-tracking technology? 

Eye-tracking technology is a tool that uses sensors to track and record the movement of your eyes. This information can be used to understand what you are looking at, how you are looking at it, and what your reaction is to what you are seeing.

Eye-tracking technology is a method for measuring and recording eye movement and gaze. It can be used to track the eyes of a single person or multiple people.

How neuromarketing using eye-tracking technology is helping businesses boost sales? 

One of the most common methods used in neuromarketing research is eye-tracking. Eye-tracking is a technique that uses sensors to track eye movements and identify where people are looking. This information can be used to understand what people are paying attention to and how they are processing information.

Eye-tracking is particularly well suited for studying consumer behavior because it can provide insights into what people are looking at, rather than what they say they are looking at. This is important because people are often not aware of the factors that influence their decisions, and they may not be honest about their true motivations.

Neuromarketing research using eye-tracking is helping businesses boost sales by providing insights into the consumer decision-making process. This research is helping businesses design more effective marketing campaigns and understand what factors influence consumer choices. 

Let’s discuss this with a use case:

In the FMCG industry, if a manufacturer wants to strategize sales or promotions in an offline retail store or group of retail stores, the following are the points the manufacturer should take into consideration:

  • What is the placement of the product in the retail store?
  • Is the product’s placement in the store easily visible to the consumer?
  • Is the packaging of the product appealing?
  • How engaging is the product? Does the product have variants that engage customers?
  • How quickly is the product visible when a subject enters a store?

To understand the above data points, the manufacturer would do an experiment using an eye-tracking tool to record customer behavior patterns. We can do the experiment in two ways:

  • Controlled experiment
  • Uncontrolled experiment

In a controlled experiment, customers are informed what to do. Ideally, subjects are informed to buy the manufacturer’s product. But to get a more natural sense of behavioral understanding, it is better to have a less controlled experiment. The lesser the experiment control more natural the behavioral pattern.

Let’s say we have a controlled experiment where the customer is using an eye-tracking device (for example, a mount head).

The device would record the video, capture pupil diameter measurements, and provide gaze data points.

Pupil diameter – This would help in understanding behavioral aspects in terms of surprise, anxiety, happiness, etc.

Gaze data – Simply speaking it shows the place where the eyes are looking at. If your eye tracker collects data with a sampling rate of 60 Hz, you will end up with 60 individual gaze points per second. Using gaze data, we can be well informed about the location, in which subjects are observing.

A few metrics we use to understand gaze data are as follows:

  • AOI – Also, referred to as Area of interest, is the region of displayed stimulus. It is not strictly a metric by itself, but it defines the area by which other metrics are calculated
  • Fixation – Fixation shows the exact point, also called gaze points, where subjects are looking. With a 60Hz sampling rate using the eye tracker tool, we will get 60 individual gaze points.
  • Saccade – Also referred to as fixation sequence, tells us where all places the subject has gazed. It reflects a person’s interest in the display. The subject’s interest is influenced by product name, packaging, brightness, color, etc.

Many other derived attributes from the above metrics include dwell time, first fixation duration, average fixation duration, time to first fixation, etc. Using these matrices we will be able to understand in what place subjects are gazing, for how much time they are gazing, which location was noticed first, etc.

Related reading: Through the consumer’s eyes: How eye tracking analysis influences packaging

How useful is the above information?

  • The first place, spotted frequently by subjects, can help us in packaging and promotion. The location will be helpful in brand recognition.
  • The location, where the subject is spending more time, is helpful in branding and marketing. This location will help to learn about the competition and the customers. Also, it will help position our product in the market effectively.
  • The second-most gazed area can help boost in-store traffic and increase brand awareness.

Eye-tracking is a powerful tool for marketers to use in their marketing campaigns. It provides a lot of insight into what your customers are looking at and how they feel about it, which can be used to create more effective sales pitches. In this article our aim was to outline some ways to implement this technology into your own business or personal life, making it easier than ever before when trying.


In summary, if used correctly, an eye tracker can be a powerful tool that helps inform decisions around marketing campaigns as well as product development. Gain unparalleled insights into consumer behavior, uncover untapped opportunities, and craft marketing campaigns that truly resonate with your target audience. Netscribes’ technology and AI business solutions empower you to delve deeper into consumer insights, refine your marketing strategies, and enhance product design. Contact us to know more.

Based on insights by Narayanaswamy Subramanian, Associate Vice President, Products.