E-commerce product descriptions are quintessential to driving purchases online. Good product descriptions have shown to attract more customers. Research shows that 87% of customers consider product content to be very important when choosing a...

 The most wonderful time of the year is around the corner. For most retailers, end-of-year holiday sales account for a major share of their annual sales and revenue. In the US, retail holiday sales are forecasted to rise 3.3% to USD 1.26...

Drones that ship lightweight deliveries. Virtual fitting rooms. Shoppable videos. Voice-based shopping. AI in digital commerce has a myriad of avatars.  A third of companies believe AI can help increase e-commerce revenues by 40%. Studie...

“You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die.”– Jack Ma, Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group Jack Ma may be oversimplifying here, but it’s nothing short of the truth coming from a leader of Amazon...

When in doubt, check it online. This has undoubtedly been the mantra as 65% of shoppers browse online when at physical stores to ensure they get the best value on a product. Product pricing is rarely a cakewalk. For e-commerce brands and reta...

What happened when stores shut down at historic rates during the COVID-19 epidemic? The world discovered the countless possibilities offered by the digital space. E-commerce saw a remarkable boom. But what more brands began to realize was the...

If the persisting pandemic has underscored anything it is the need for every business to have an online presence. That said, pandemic or no pandemic three-quarters of Americans will shop online. This is driving most brands head over heels to ...

Ever wondered how accurate are the search results for a set of keywords on your e-commerce website? On-site search quality or internal search quality is an integral aspect of your website’s performance and yet quite often underestimated or ...

2020 saw a record-breaking e-commerce holiday season. But if the onset of the pandemic was a persistent growth barrier last year, this year it’s the repercussions being felt on e-commerce operations – supply chain disruptions, invento...

For a lot of e-commerce businesses, cart abandonment contributes to significant revenue loss. The average cart abandonment rate is as high as 69.8% despite US e-commerce stores spending USD 23.50 billion on online advertising every year. High...

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