Pricing is one of the most important factors that influence consumer behavior and loyalty. However, setting the optimal price for thousands of products across different markets and channels is not an easy task. Pricing strategy requires a lot...

As new business models within e-commerce germinate and flourish at jet speed, the table stakes like accurate and reliable product information continue to bag the final buck. Manual validation checks even though preferable can be time-consumin...

You need some form of data to operate any business. What happens when your business is heavily reliant on providing data-driven insights to your clients? For consulting companies, leveraging research and intelligence is next to indispensable,...

In the ever-evolving business landscape, market changes are not just a possibility but a certainty. It’s no longer a matter of if, but when and how these changes will impact your firm. The ability to anticipate and adapt to market chang...

With the holiday season fast approaching, the question on everyone’s mind is who will win the bigger buck? Online or retail stores. Over half (58%) of American adults who shop online via their smartphones now frequently employ these dev...

Every decision made by man is influenced by a plethora of factors. A consumer’s mindset is no different. In fact, since the 1940s, consumer behavior research as a field has been under constant study, in trying to understand the why, when, h...

In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, providing accurate and comprehensive product information is crucial for businesses to succeed. Catalogue enrichment plays a pivotal role in enhancing product data quality and elevating the ov...

Various types of thought leadership content can act as powerful tools for establishing authority, influencing audiences, and driving business growth. By sharing insights, expertise, and perspectives on relevant topics, thought leaders can pos...

Competitive intelligence research involves gathering insights on competitor strategies, product offerings, market positioning, pricing, marketing campaigns, and other relevant factors. Competitive intelligence helps automotive companies gain ...

To truly hack into the mind of the consumer, businesses often turn to tools like focus groups as qualitative research for insights that quantitative methods might overlook. Imagine a group of people with shared experiences or traits coming to...

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