What physical and mental health is to the body, brand health is to the business. A healthy brand helps in delivering consistent, memorable, and differentiated experiences to customers. Customers may like or dislike characteristics that brands...

Generative AI is a rapidly evolving disruptive technology that has turned into a buzzword across multiple industries with endless possibilities to transform every aspect of their business. As per a research and consulting firm, by 2025, aroun...

With the advent of advanced technologies and the emergence of connected vehicles, the amount of data generated by vehicles has increased manifold. To leverage this data, various industry players are developing the mechanism and infrastructure...

A virtual personal assistant (VPA) or voice assistant is a digital assistant that combines artificial intelligence, machine learning, speech recognition, Natural Language Processing (NLP), speech synthesis, and various actuation mechanisms to...

Digital twin in the automotive sector is critical for manufacturers to achieve more efficient production lines and faster time-to-market, and it is expected to gain further traction in the first half of this decade as IoT and cloud-based tech...

The pandemic has created a great deal of uncertainty in the global economy, and many businesses are looking for ways to reduce risk and increase stability. For insurance companies, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) may provide a way to achie...

6G technology is currently in its research and development phase, with many aspects still to be defined, implemented, and legalized. Researchers are exploring the potential of terahertz waves, which could help telecom operators greatly reduce...

ChatGPT has taken the business world by storm as it introduced one of the early applications of generative AI that is highly valuable and immensely versatile. It performs intelligent text-based functions that we had only imagined AI systems p...

AI is a broad term that encompasses a variety of technologies such as robotics, natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and computer vision. Many businesses are using AI to automate operations, make data-driven decisions, an...

Digital disruptions have significantly altered how brands and consumers interact in the CPG industry. Companies typically launch products that appear to be suitable for consumers. CPG brands, for their part, rely on comprehensive market resea...

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