The competition never rests. In a dynamic marketplace, organizations need a constant focus on the competition to minimize major surprises, benchmark themselves, and drive differentiation. However, most competitive intelligence teams struggle ...

Effective content is the cornerstone of successful Account-Based Marketing (ABM). Whether in the form of emails, blog posts, case studies, or reports, content that speaks directly to the needs of key prospects is paramount for achieving bette...

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed into a healthcare, economic, and humanitarian crisis like no other. With the healthcare sector on the front lines of this crisis, digital health has been crucial to address emerging challenges. It has cre...

The current pandemic has not only disrupted routine lives across the globe but has also disarrayed operations for industries across sectors. As economies grapple with repercussions from sudden shifts in workspaces, technology, and unprecedent...

Globally supply chains have been disrupted, manufacturing processes halted, and demand for non-essentials has slumped. As the pandemic evolves, most businesses find themselves reassessing their supply chain strengths and gaps. According to th...

China’s manufacturing industry has been a major catalyst in catapulting its economy to astonishing heights over the years. In 2018, the Chinese manufacturing industry generated USD 4 trillion and accounted for 30% of the nation’s total ec...

A company analysis is a useful technique to evaluate a company’s business performance in an objective way. Essentially, it’s a process of providing an accurate picture of a firm to help: Sales and marketing teams pitch their services bett...

Pandemics such as the coronavirus can lead to an unforeseen disruption of business operations. Several parts of the world are under complete lockdown. As cases of infected individuals surge rapidly, businesses are faced with increased risk of...

The applications of proximity sensors have penetrated various industries; from consumer electronics to aerospace and defense to even food and beverages. According to Netscribes, consumer electronics will have the highest market share by 2023 ...

Continual technological breakthroughs have been transforming the healthcare industry by leaps and bounds in recent decades. With a staggering rise of diabetes-related cases around the globe, self-monitoring blood glucose devices have gained s...

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