If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably heard about apple cider vinegar pills. Often advertised as a concentrated version of apple cider vinegar, pills are sold as a way to ingest the beneficial compounds in the fermented liquid without having to face the taste. But can apple cider vinegar pills help you lose weight?

The huge popularity of apple cider vinegar (ACV) pills as a weight loss aid can be taken as a statement about our culture the increasing popularity of natural remedies for everything provides enough evidence that people are interested in an easy and effective solution for their weight loss goals however, we have a responsibility to delve into research and find out if ACV pills do in fact work for losing weight.

Let’s embark on this journey as we attempt to answer the following question: is taking apple cider vinegar (ACV) in pill form a good way to lose weight and provide other health benefits?

does apple cider vinegar pills help you lose weight
does apple cider vinegar pills help you lose weight

Understanding Apple Cider Vinegar and its Potential Weight Loss Effects

Apple cider vinegar pills are manufactured via the fermentation of apple cider and then condensed to make a concentrated pill. Their active components include acetic acid (which is a common disinfectant found in your home), enzymes and probiotics. Here’s how these ingredients might impact your weight.

Just because apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which is thought to be beneficial for weight management, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the vinegar itself that is having an impact; it could well be the other ingredients. It appears that vinegar’s acetic acid is thought to work in several ways: it can suppress appetite for longer periods of time, which can result in a lower calorie intake; it can alter your metabolism, either by increasing the burning of fat and an increase in energy expenditure.

The enzymes in the apple cider vinegar pills can help predigest nutrients and aid in nutrient absorption so that fat gets metabolised, helping to achieve better weight loss. In addition, the digestive improvements can enhance overall gut health.

But probiotics act on weight by virtue of the ‘beneficial bacteria’ they contain – such as those found in pills of apple cider vinegar. Probiotics have long been considered a contributor to a healthy gut microbiome, which has been linked to multiple aspects of metabolic health, including weight.

However, even with these potential mechanisms at play, studies on the weight loss effects of apple cider vinegar pills yield mixed results. Some trials find that taking apple cider vinegar supplements can reduce body weight and fat mass by a small but meaningful amount, while others report results that are not significant or lead to only a slight impact.

We tackle a few common misconceptions about apple cider vinegar pills and weight management. Do apple cider vinegar pills help with weight loss, or are they just another health fad? The truth is that while apple cider vinegar pills might have certain health benefits, they aren’t a magic weight-loss solution. The fundamentals of good health – nutritious foods, regular exercise, and getting enough sleep – remain the foundation for long-term weight health.

Armed with knowledge of what apple cider vinegar pills are made of – and just how they might aid in weight loss – consumers can make the best choices for their wellness.


Scientific Research and Studies

Scientific study is important in determining whether apple cider vinegar pill can help you lose weight. Various studies have been done to determine whether the pill has an impact on body weight, fat mass and metabolic parameters.

A look at the existing literature reveals that there are a variety of outcomes from studies that have looked at the effects of taking these pills. Some studies have found promising results on weight loss, some studies have found no difference or an opposite effect from placebo, and sometimes studies have found no difference or an opposite effect from placebo. There is a lack of quality research in this area, with varying study designs, populations, and intervention protocols leading to differing findings.

A number of trials looking at the supplementation of apple cider vinegar have reported modest reductions in body weight, waist circumference and visceral fat in study participants taking apple cider vinegar capsules – some of these findings have suggested the potential for use of apple cider vinegar as an adjuvant in weight-loss regimens.

But it’s also important to be critical of the deficiencies of the research base. Many studies are small and short-term, and thus lack generalisability. Furthermore, diets and activity levels vary, and individual differences might account for some of the observed responses to apple cider vinegar supplementation trials.

Considering that the evidence is mixed, we can still extract clues from about clinical trials, which point to potential effects of apple-cider vinegar pills on metabolic health. Some trials indicate that participants taking these pills showed improvements in insulin sensitivity, blood sugar, and lipid profiles. Metabolic effects such as these may underlie weight-management and even general health benefits.

In conclusion, although our review suggests that scientific research provides some support for the use of apple cider vinegar as a pill for weight loss, further studies are needed to confirm its precise effects on body composition and metabolic health. We believe that large, well-designed and long-term trials, more numerous and better reporting the results, may help us to better investigate the metabolic effects of apple cider vinegar supplementation. In fact, only through evidence-based research can we expect to arm those who are concerned about their weight with effective and safe strategies to achieve their goals.

does apple cider vinegar pills help you lose weight
does apple cider vinegar pills help you lose weight

User Experiences and Testimonials

Anecdotes and real-life accounts capture the nuance of how apple cider vinegar pills have affected real people’s weight loss journeys in the real world. Yes, there is merit in scientific data, but what others (and users like you) have to say about their own experiences are invaluable.

For the most part, people that have added apple cider vinegar pills to their weight loss regime report varied results. Some of the apple cider vinegar supplement reviewers claim the pills to be a god-send, allowing them to drop pounds, make them feel better and more energetic. The biggest advantage of the pills, according to the reviewers, is the convenience of taking the pills. That way, they don’t have to deal with the vinegar liquid straight up.

Nevertheless, it is also acknowledged that in a significant number of users (ie, the ones with positive results), supplementation of apple cider vinegar wrought considerable weight loss and/or substantial positive health-related effects. You may be one of them, or perhaps the supplement didn’t work on you at all or didn’t cause weight loss or a reduction in blood sugar despite your consistent use. Your dosage might have been too low, you might not have used the supplement long enough, your metabolism might have been too insulin-resistant to see its effects, it may even have been something else entirely.

User testimonials also highlight the value of taking other factors into account beyond supplementation effects. Many people stress the synergy between apple cider vinegar pills and the other lifestyle changes that they make for weight loss, including switching to a balanced diet, eliminating sugary beverages and indulgences, and getting enough exercise. These types of holistic approaches to weight loss could be more sustainable and longer-lasting.

In totality, the user experiences of apple cider vinegar pills for weight loss are diverse and nuanced, with some reporting positive results while others note no change. Going into supplementation with realistic expectations and a holistic view of health (ie, going beyond supplements and focusing on other lifestyle factors) is key here. Speaking to your doctor helps establish an individualised approach to your needs and goals.


Considerations and Safety

But for most people, apple cider vinegar pills are safe when taken as directed, though there are some considerations and potential risks you should keep in mind.

Digestive Health: Apple cider vinegar pills may lead to digestive problems, like cramps or acid reflux, so it is advisable to start with a small dose and slowly increase as you get used to the supplement.

Dental Health: Apple cider vinegar, due to its acidity, can aggravate tooth enamel erosion if it is taken in large amounts or if it is held in the mouth for a long time. It is advisable to take apple cider vinegar pills with copious amounts of water, and avoid it coming into intense contact with the teeth.

Interactions with medications: The use of apple cider vinegar pills can also interact with other medications, such as diuretics or insulin-lowering drugs. Anyone starting an apple cider vinegar supplement regime should first check in with their health practitioner, especially if they have other health issues or are taking medications.

Dosing Guidelines: Take the product as directed on the label or by your healthcare provider. Do not take higher doses than recommended because doing so may not improve results and can have side effects.

Quality & Purity: Never compromise on quality and purity. Make sure to pick apple cider vinegar pills from prominent brands that are known for quality and purity. However, it is not essential that a brand’s reputation will always guarantee the purity of its products. With that in mind, look for third-party testing and certifications to ensure safety and efficacy.

Pregnancy and Lactation: It’s a good idea for a pregnant or lactating woman to get the green light from a health care provider before taking apple cider vinegar pills, since it’s not clear they’re safe for these individuals.

Long-term use: Studies on the effects of prolonged apple cider vinegar pill consumption have not been conducted. Take a time-out periodically to determine if supplementation is still needed and monitor for adverse effects.

In other words, although apple cider vinegar pills can be a good supplement for some people, they do carry risks – so talk to your doctor before you start taking them.

does apple cider vinegar pills help you lose weight
does apple cider vinegar pills help you lose weight


In conclusion, whether apple cider vinegar pills can help people lose weight remains a complicated issue for scientific research and practice. Although studies revealed that apple cider vinegar pills have therapeutic effects on weight loss, the body of evidence is still inconclusive. So far, we still need more studies to prove this claim. Furthermore, although the user testimonials can be biased, the vast number of user testimonials on the internet allowed readers to have a more comprehensive picture about the experiences of people taking this weight loss pill and these experiences do help a great deal for our general understanding of the weight loss effects of the pills.

Going forward, those considering apple cider vinegar supplementation should do so understanding the limitations in certain aspects of health, and with a sound understanding of weighing the pros and cons – along with the possible safety measures. Most importantly, people should strive for overall wellness by focusing on health, diet and lifestyle factors that can have a wide-reaching impact on overall health, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.

Given the dynamic nature of the market for weight loss supplements, it will be important for any individual who is considering a new product or trend to keep up to date with new research, and to talk to their physician to ensure that new products will be appropriate for them as part of their overall weight management plan so they can make informed choices. Sustainable weight management is likely to require up-front investment in time and effort, as well as the long-term consistency we all know is required for lifestyle change. But the end result might just be worth it.

does apple cider vinegar pills help you lose weight

FAQ: Apple Cider Vinegar Pills for Weight Loss

1. Are apple cider vinegar pills effective for weight loss?

In the end: did the apple cider vinegar pills help with weight loss? As I have previously written, the science about apple cider vinegar for weight loss remains equivocal. A number of small studies claim potential benefits, including improving metabolism and suppressing appetite, but overall it remains a difficult topic to study in humans, and the data is still inconclusive. Some people might benefit, and others not. And with such a complicated topic as obesity, it is best to exercise caution and manage expectations. For lasting weight management, trying apple cider vinegar pills alone won’t cut it; it’s part of a larger suite of healthy lifestyle choices.

2. How do apple cider vinegar pills promote weight loss?

The difference is that, rather than swallowing vinegar, a person takes a pill of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar pills such as those from Vital Proteins could result in weight loss by suppressing appetite, but also by improving metabolism and potentially via effects on insulin sensitivity and fat oxidation. Yet none of this is proven.

3. Are there any risks or side effects associated with apple cider vinegar pills?

If taken as directed, apple cider vinegar pills are likely safe, but some people might experience digestive side effects, harm to teeth, or complications with concurrent medications. Always follow recommended dosage and monitor for side effects, especially if you have other health problems or take medication.

4. How should I take apple cider vinegar pills for weight loss?

So, in other words, to minimise the risk of side effects and maximise the benefits, I would suggest taking one or two apple cider vinegar pills once or twice a day (depending on your weight) to begin with and gradually increase the amount as tolerated with plenty of water (to prevent dental erosion) and, of course, as part of a healthy diet and exercise regime for effective management of weight.

5. Can I expect immediate results from apple cider vinegar pills?

Any weight loss produced by taking apple cider vinegar pills will likely be gradual and individualised in nature. Expectations must be tempered. Supplements are not a hop, skip or jump to weight loss but rather a piece of the puzzle that, when used properly for the long term and in combination with lifestyle modifications, can help individuals achieve their goals.

6. Should I consult with a healthcare professional before taking apple cider vinegar pills?

Yes, by all means, you should discuss taking any new supplement, even apple cider vinegar pills, with a health professional. They will be able to advise you based on your medical history, current medications and individual health needs, helping to ensure safe and appropriate use.