7 e-commerce trends shaping digital strategies post-COVID-19
The pandemic has transformed the average consumer: the way they think, work, and shop. 80% of US consumers are still changing the way they shop and 43% are frequently shopping online for stuff that they could buy in stores.
There’s only one effective way to respond to a disruption of such magnitude: adapt.
As consumer behavior continues to reflect the uncertainty of the global crisis, what will the post-pandemic e-commerce landscape look like for brands and retailers? It is time for them to reset the way they think about consumer needs and the future of e-commerce post-COVID-19.
This whitepaper identifies 7 major e-commerce trends post COVID-19 that industry players should keep in mind to position themselves for success in the future. What else? Brands and retailers can dive into relevant ways of adapting to each of these e-commerce trends in the new normal. Download now.