
Consumer vs Customer

The words consumer, customer, and shopper, are often used interchangeably in lay conversation, but each word has a different ...

Strategic Sourcing

Procurement is undergoing transformational change across industries. With enterprises becoming increasingly data-driven and t...

Technical Content

Technical content is integral to marketing technology products and services. Whether the goal is to create awareness, inform ...

Consumer research

Customer-centricity is at the heart of every successful business. For brands to influence consumers, understanding their need...

Technology watch

Competitive intelligence is at the heart of every successful business strategy. However, the pace at which technology is disr...

rich content strategy

Product content is at the heart of e-commerce customer engagement and sales. For brands to ace the game, a rich content strat...

top innovators in blockchain-enabled solutions

In an industry as complex and cost-ridden as healthcare, disruption is imminent. In its present state, the healthcare industr...

blockchain in healthcare

The technological advancements of blockchain in healthcare are taking the industry by a storm. Data fragmentation, rising dru...

IoT managed services Netscribes research

Globally, enterprises are gearing towards advancing their digital transformation with IoT-enabled solutions. By leveraging sm...

Online Reputation Management Services

In a world where the first few online search results can make or break your brand’s image, online reputation management (OR...

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